Humane Education FAQ
I want to interview or speak with someone at the shelter for a school or community project. What is the process for doing this?
We love to share information about our work here at HSWC, and as you can imagine, we receive lots of requests! In order to best help you, we ask that all requests follow the guidelines below. Requests that do not comply will not be honored. Based on the focus of your questions, we will pair you with a knowledgeable staff member who will best be able to address your area of interest.
- Requests must be received a minimum of two weeks before the deadline.
- Requests must include:
the individual’s name, affiliation, and contact information including phone number and email address.
the purpose of the interview must be clearly stated in the request.
your preferred interview style (via email, phone, or in person).
a list of bulleted interview questions that will be asked, regardless of how the interview will be conducted.
Do you have programs for youth groups?
We are happy to present educational programs that may include a visit with our adoptable animals. We also go to off-site locations including schools, libraries, day care programs, etc.
Do you host birthday parties for children?
We do not host formal parties, but we do provide programs to children upon request.